Tuesday, January 4, 2011

new class

hi,new post from me again for today.i feel a little bit better than before. really up... i'm in a new class which is 5 AMRU. the fantastika,my on inventions.huahuahua.it was seriously make me feel tired for orientation this week sitting at 'DATARAN'from 7:30 am until 10:20..what it feel like BORING.All my teachers was a nice teachers not too sweet but nice.I was sitting at the second row the middle column,the middle table. i luv sitting at middle.i don't know why.but is fun,more friends from other class,new intentions,new spirits, new something.Also new determination.Laugh out loud. bye.gotta go. DINNER TIME.helping my mum with dishes.catch up with u later .post some comment okay...

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